This celebratory, music-filled, ensemble pub-based comedy, where the heroes are local and the locals are all heroes, is about the life-saving powers of community, compromise and compassion. Especially in those moments when all our happy hours seem to be behind us.
Thomas Heywood’s Elizabethan romp The Fair Maid of the West featured in the Swan Theatre’s opening season in 1986. It was redefined and modernised by Isobel McArthur (Pride & Prejudice* (*sort of)) and played in the Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon Avon from November 2023 to January 2024.
Director - Isobel McArthur
Designer & Spanish Consultant - Ana Inés Jabares-Pita
Music - Michael John McCarthy
Lighting - Sinéad McKenna
Sound - Niamh Gaffney
Movement - Emily Jane Boyle
Dramaturg - Pippa Hill
Fights - Claire Llewellyn
Music Director - Tarek Merchant
Voice & Text - Jeannette Nelson
Associate Director - Martin Leonard
Design Assistant - Caitlin Abbott
Casting Director - Martin Poile
Translator & Spanish Consultant - Rosalind Harvey
Photo by Ali Wright © RSC.